Wednesday, January 26, 2022

"What is the "Bottomless Pit" in Revelation Chapter 9?"

God Reveals More As His Providential Plan Progresses

There are numerous titles given for “hell” throughout the Bible.

 In the Old Testament there is no mention of “hell” but only “Sheol” which is generally interpreted as meaning the “land/realm of the dead”, or where the souls of everyone went following life in this world, or "the realm of the dead". Early on during the Bible's account of the age in which "The Patriarchs" (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph) lived and led as being those who had faith in The One, Almighty God, the "realm of the dead", people of God did not distinguish between a place for the "righteous" and a place for "the wicked". 

Those living during this "Patriarchal Age" of Abraham, Isacc, etc., were aware that there was a residence for the spirits of those who departed from this "worldly realm" of the living. They were aware of the Almighty, Creator God who resided in His "heavenly", spiritual realm. But at this early time little detail had been revealed by God regarding the residence of those who died. 

Remember that Abraham is the original faithful believer in God recorded in the Old Testament. All other believers in God were considered to be descendants of Abraham. It took generations for the number of those who believed in God to expand.  God was a "mystery" to those human creatures as their relationship with Him was in the early stages. Sometimes those departed souls were referred to as "shades". Even the "righteous" people of God did not have confidence in their eternal destiny as being something to look forward to. God had not revealed to them as much detail regarding the "after life" as He later would reveal.

So during this "Patriarchal Age" there was not a distinguished title given for “hell” for the wicked and “heaven” for the righteous in the Old Testament. 


NOT because there was no “hell” and “heaven” where the wicked and righteous of the Old Testament period went following life in this world but only that the details of these worlds and that realm had not been fully revealed by God.

The revelation of God, His Plan for Humanity, His Redemption Process, heaven and hell, and many other mysteries is a progressive revelation. God chooses when, how, and to whom He will disclose the mysteries involving His realm, person, and plan. Some of the prophets of the Old Testament period did understand the concept of differing conditions for the righteous and wicked following death but apparently not as fully as was given later by God in the New Testament period and especially with the entry of “The Word of God” into this worldly realm, that is, of course, Jesus Christ.



The term “bottomless pit” obviously discloses that it is not a “good” or desirable place and the creatures described as exiting the “bottomless pit” in Revelation Chapter 9 verify that the place referred to as "the bottomless pit" given in Chapter 9 of Revelation is likely the place that we all think of as being “hell”.

"And he opened the bottomless pit; and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit. verse 3: And out of the smoke came forth locusts upon the earth; and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power. verse 4: And they were told that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. verse 5: And they were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment for five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings a man.".  

In addition to this information given regarding those creatures coming from the “bottomless pit” in Chapter 9 is that (verse:11) "They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon (literally, “destruction”), and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon (literally, “destroyer”. This is generally understood to be "Satan", of course.

Given this description we can understand that “bottomless pit” or the “abyss” is a description of “hell”, or more accurately, “hades” which is the tormenting residence of the wicked who have died and entered into the realm of the afterlife. As portrayed in Chapter 9 verse 11 above, this "bottomless pit" is also considered to be the base of Satan’s realm as “Heaven” is the base of God’s heavenly realm.

But what of this place called, "Hades"?

“Hades” is the Greek term used most commonly throughout in the New Testament for the place most of us think of as being "hell". Most modern translations  transliterate this Greek term, "hades", by using the same word, "Hades". ((The "King James" translation being an exception. It translates "hades" using the English word, "hell".) 

"Hades" is the term you are likely to find in the New Testament for that residence of the souls of those judged to be "wicked" when entering the realm of the dead. Jesus commonly used the term "Hades" (literal translation of the "Greek" word) to refer to the place where those spirits of those who are judged as being "wicked" and un-redeemed go following death.

You've heard the story Jesus told about the rich, wicked man who denied the poor, suffering, man, any food or help when in the land of the living. Jesus explains in this story that after he died, the "wicked" man opened his eyes in "Hades". There he saw across an abyss that separated them, Abraham and along with him, the man who had been poor and suffering in the land of the living who the rich, wicked man, had rejected prior to their deaths. Jesus used the term "Hades" as being the residence of that dead, wicked man, and did not use the term "sheol", or "hell", or "the lake of fire". 

In another instance, Jesus used the term "Hades" to describe the residence of the wicked dead like those people living in the city of Capernaum who rejected Jesus as being the "Promised Messiah". Jesus explained that the people of Capernaum were more worthy of judgement to "Hades" than those ancient residents of Sodom and Gomorrah who had not witnessed the miracles of Jesus as had the citizens of Capernaum.

Most often the term for the place we think of as "hell" used in the New Testament is actually "Hades". It is synonymous with what we commonly interpret and understand as being “hell” and synonymous with "the bottomless pit"

Is "Hades" ("the bottomless pit"/"hell") an "eternal"/"never-ending" residence for those judged as being "wicked" when standing before the God they rejected while in this world of the living?

 "Lake of Fire"

The Bible teaches that “Hades” is currently the residence of  the spirits/souls of all of those who are condemned guilt of sin when they die and their souls enter into the "realm of the dead". They are judged "guilty" and sentenced to an eternity separated from the presence of God because while living in the "realm of the living", they rejected God and His "One Way" for redemption who is "Jesus Christ, The Son of God". "Eternity" means their time of separation from the presence and access to God, their being judged "guilty" for their rejection of God's Son, Jesus Christ, never, ever, ceases.

Those entering "Hades" will NEVER find rescue from their eternal punishment. However, the current residence of the wicked, "Hades", will eventually come to an end and be replaced by an even more intense place of torment and punishment referred to in The Bible as "The Lake of Fire".

"The Lake of Fire" is not synonymous with "Hades", "the bottomless pit", "the abyss", or "Sheol".  Those terms are used to describe the residence for all of those "souls/spirits" of the wicked who die prior to the Return of  The Messiah King, Jesus Christ.

"The Lake of Fire" is the residence for the resurrected "wicked" who were formerly residing as "spirit-beings" in "Hades". 

God has promised that when Jesus Christ returns, the spirits/souls of all of those who died and who had decided to follow Jesus while in the "land of the living", will return with Him! They are referred to as being the "Saints". When they return with King Jesus, the "Saints" will receive their resurrected, physical, supernatural, eternal bodies. Their bodies will be the same as that of the resurrected Jesus Christ!  At that time, "HEAVEN WILL BE VACATED" by the spirits of all of those Saints who were residing there in God's glory prior to the Return of King Jesus!

All of those "Saints" (followers of Jesus Christ) who are still living on earth at the time of the "Return of King Jesus Christ" will be "caught up/raptured" off of this planet and into the air to meet those Saints from heaven who are accompanying King Jesus Christ. Those Saints who are "caught up into the air" will also receive their supernatural, eternal, physical, bodies. Together, all of the Saints will then live with King Jesus Christ on earth for 1,000 years (Referred to as "The Millennium"). 

Given that ALL Saints will then live forever in their physical, supernatural, eternal bodies, there will never be a death of a Saint again! Therefore, there will never be the need for a residence for the souls of "the righteous" in a place called "heaven"! 

Where then, will all the Saints reside following their being resurrected? Read on to find the answer.

All Saints will live on earth with their King Jesus for 1,000 years following their resurrection. At the conclusion of "The Millennium", 1,000 year, reign of King Jesus Christ on earth, there will be a "Final Day of Judgment" when ALL of those who have been residing in "Hades" will be "resurrected" into their eternal, physical, bodies and stand before The Throne of God in judgment. All of those who had been in Hades and now standing before God will be judged "guilty" of having rejected God's Son, Jesus Christ, while in the "land of the living". 

It is at that time and the spiritual souls of all of those wicked residents in spirit residing in Hades will be resurrected to assume their physical bodies only to be sent to “the Lake of Fire” described later in Revelation 20:11–13 where they will reside for all eternity in their eternal, physical, bodies. There will no longer be need of a “spiritual” residence for the wicked and Hades will be destroyed and replaced by “the eternal Lake of Fire” meant for those non-redeemed who have been resurrected in their eternal, physical, bodies only to suffer in “The Lake of Fire” forevermore.

One cannot imagine the suffering, torment, and hopelessness involved with all of those who exit this world without being covered by the blood of Jesus Christ which is the ONLY method given by which humankind can be saved from the eternal judgment of God’s wrath for our insisting to rebel against Him as being our Lord and Almighty, Creator God.

It is only due to the infinite grace and love of God that He Himself has given us a path for redemption from the consequences of our own sinful rebellion and insistence upon being our own gods. We could not save ourselves. We have nothing to offer to God in payment for the penalty of our sin. What do we have that God needs or wants? The only offering of value to God is our own love and devotion to our Creator which is the essence of the reason we were created in the first place.

When you submit to God’s Truth, you will never, ever, have anything to fear or dread. Just DO IT!




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