Saturday, August 4, 2018



It is said, "If you want to remain friends with someone do not talk about money, religion, their personal sex life or POLITICS!"

Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?
There are some points that would support the notion that the answer is "NO"!

Even some followers of Jesus Christ would say that Christians should not be involved in politics because it could compromise your relationship with someone and jeopardize your ability to effectively share your testimony about Jesus Christ and your faith in Him. Others refuse to be actively involved in politics using the argument that "all politicians and governments are evil".

Some other followers of Jesus might refer to the incident in The Bible when Jesus was asked, "Should you pay taxes to Caesar (i.e., the "Roman government"). Jesus asked them to look at a coin and then asked, "Whose image is on it?", and of course, it was the image of Caesar, the Roman emperor. Then Jesus said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what belongs to God." (Matthew 22:15-22) Some people conclude from this that Jesus was teaching that His followers should not even be involved in the secular, political institutions in the world but should only be focused on those activities which are "heavenly", "spiritual", or "worshipful".

But this "Caesar's-coin" reference is not the best lesson from Jesus as to whether we followers of Jesus should be involved in "politics" given the entire context and premise of the message and life of Jesus. The way we are to live our lives in all situations is to follow the "example of Jesus" as portrayed in the entirety of His life and ministry that is displayed in The Bible. Therefore we must ask;

"Was Jesus Himself involved in the politics of His time while on earth?" 
The answer is:

One must understand just what the "political" arena was in the time that Jesus walked the earth prior to His return to heaven after His death and resurrection.

Jesus was a Jewish citizen of the nation of Israel. His nation was controlled by the global power of Rome which was the sovereign political power over Israel during His time on earth. However, it was the policy of the Roman government to allow the local political institutions of conquered lands to continue to govern in matters of that nation's judicial issues as long as it did not directly conflict with the sovereign Roman law. This meant that Rome allowed the political institution of Israel to continue to operate and function over matters involving the Jewish people, of which Jesus and His disciples were certainly a part.

The indigenous Jewish political system was called the "Sanhedrin". The Sanhedrin and its institution not only performed and enforced religious rituals and worship but it also served in the judicial capacity over local issues. The Sanhedrin made decisions on domestic disputes, property issues, holidays, and the legality of the behavior of Jewish citizens as determined by their law's prescribed moral code. In addition to the population being obligated to pay taxes to the Roman government, Jewish citizens were also obligated to pay taxes to the Sanhedrin. Thus, the Sanhedrin was definitely the political system that was involved in the every-day lives of the Jewish people, probably more than that of the invading Roman government.

The Sanhedrin was very sensitive to its vulnerable relationship with the superior Roman political system so it always took care to avoid conflict with the Romans. It sometimes even interacted with the Roman politicians to achieve its own political agenda. This was evident in the process used to execute Jesus. The Sanhedrin collaborated with the Roman political representatives, namely, the main Roman ruler in Jerusalem named "Pilate", to have Jesus executed. This is why Jesus was executed by the use of the Roman method of nailing the criminal to a wooden cross until he died. But it was the Sanhedrin that tried, convicted and demanded the execution of Jesus through the Roman capital punishment methods.

A similar collaboration between the Sanhedrin and the ruling Roman political system can probably be said for the execution of the prophet called, "John the Baptist", who was a cousin of Jesus and lived during the times of Jesus on earth. This John was an extremely outspoken activist who was an adversary of not only the Roman-appointed political officer, Herod Antipas, but also of the Sanhedrin. Herod had been installed by Rome to govern over some of the provinces, or "tetrarch"- territory, of Israel.  

"John the Baptist" publicly called the political ruler, Herod Antipas, to "the carpet", so to speak, about his immoral practices (Matthew 14) and behavior. John's outspokenness was so relentless and extreme that it resulted in Herod having John arrested and ultimately executed by "beheading" (Matthew 14:10). 

Even though it was the Roman politician, Herod Antipas, who performed the execution, it is undeniably likely that the "Jewish" political institution, the Sanhedrin, was also involved, or at least supportive, in the execution of John the Baptist. This conclusion is supported by John's being a very vocal adversary of the Sanhedrin and its practices. John's opposition to the Sanhedrin members was equal in intensity to that which he directed toward Herod Antipas. John viciously attacked the injustice and hypocrisy of that Jewish political structure. He publicly announced their corruption in their faces to the point of their becoming hostile toward him (Matthew 21: 23-32).

Jesus was very vocal in his opposition to the Sanhedrin and its political practices as well as its manner of addressing spiritual issues. His outspokenness is seen multiple times in the Bible as He confronted them directly and forthrightly to the point of the confrontations becoming so intense as to bring the situation to the point of violence (Matthew 12:34/26:3). Jesus was extremely outspoken against the practices of the Sanhedrin regarding the injustice of their continued expansion and harsh application of their Jewish laws. He spoke against their practices that oppressed the citizens using methods such as their interpretation and application of tax laws (Mark 7:1-14) that infringed upon the very manner in which families functioned. Jesus called the Sanhedrin politicians out for enforcing laws upon the Jewish people that they did not even obey themselves. Can you imagine politicians behaving in such a way?!

Yes, Jesus Christ WAS a "political" activist!!

When observing the example we have of our Leader, Jesus Christ, and His involvement in the "politics" of His day, we can conclude that we, His followers, are certainly expected by God to be involved in the civil issues and matters which impact us and our societies today. This obligation requires Christians' involvement in the political structure that determines the legal aspects of those matters that impact the personal and collective bodies of society.

The political institutions serving in legal jurisdiction over our societies have a tremendous impact on the application of justice for those societies. As in the case of the Sanhedrin and the Roman Government's system during the time Jesus was walking on earth, our governments' decisions and actions impact the manner in which we function in our daily lives, even the way we raise and support our families. The government also has an immense impact on the moral fabric of our societies as well as literally having control over "life and death" situations (capital punishment, abortion, etc.).

In all cases, the governments that serve as the political powers throughout the world are indeed "worldly/secular" institutions. Even in those nations where the government may be labeled as a "religious" body, it still serves with both secular and religious powers. Due to the influence that all of these secular governments have over the moral, even spiritual practices and functions of the populace, it would be negligent for God's people to be indifferent and not involved in their functioning.

NO political system is infallible or without its own blemishes. NO professional or even volunteer politician involved is without his or her own personal blemishes, sins, and shortcomings. But there will always be differences in the character, intentions, actions, and motivations of all politicians. Christians must responsibly research the background and history of those involved to determine whose political agenda comes the closest to influencing society in a way more consistent with God's intent.

Even Christians living in nations where all politicians and the political structure itself is identified as being "pagan" or "un-Godly" must be activists and use their influence to impact their governments to function in a manner that is the most humane and moral as described in The Word of God, The Bible. A society can be run by politicians who are not Christians or who even do not acknowledge the existence of God, but some still support Godly principles and moral standards. The ancient ruler over pagan Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar was even used by God and served His purposes (Daniel 3:8-10).

Christians must always pray and earnestly seek God's guidance and wisdom when making decisions regarding what politicians and political positions to support. Some Christians even recognize the voice of God's Spirit in their hearts leading them to use their Godly influence in the political arena by serving as career politicians. There are times when those considered to be, and profess to be, non-Christians or even atheists, campaign for a political agenda that is more in harmony with the heart of God than others. 

For a Christian to stand on the sideline, be complacent and uninvolved in the politics which have local, national and global consequences is inconsistent with the examples and teachings we find in God's Word, the Bible. Christians are to display love and charity as they live in this world while at the same time not compromise on those standards mandated by God regarding justice, morality, religious freedom, and human rights and dignity. Our own views and standards always fall short of God's, but we must seek His guidance and support for our functioning in a manner in which He approves. God will hold us all accountable for not using what rights and privileges and opportunities He gives us for the protection, well-being, and justice of our fellow human beings and society.


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